I teach middle school math, science, and robotics at Olive Knolls Christian School in lovely Bakersfield, California. Additionally, I am the Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Activities Coordinator, and Accreditation Chairperson for our school. As you can see, I wear many hats!
I have been teaching for 28 years. I began my career in public school, teaching and supporting teachers. Those 14 years were a blessing! While teaching, I met and married my amazing husband, Joe. Together, we have 2 grown children. The oldest finished her music degree and is pursuing her teaching credential in music, while teaching elementary music at my school. The younger is a Sophomore at Fresno State University.
Our school has a 7 period schedule. I teach 6th, 8th, and then 7th math in succession. Then I teach one of each Life, Earth, and Physical Science classes. We have 45-50 minute class periods, so everything moves quickly. We have 1:1 chromebooks for our middle school.
As you can imagine, we are a small school. I am blessed to have small classes, capped at 24. This, however, brings TONS of challenges with learning differences. We don’t level students/classes, we remain as a total grade level and rotate to different classes. We are inclusive, therefore, we have the responsibility to meet the needs of all students accepted to our school.